The motor vehicle accident program is available to anyone who has been in a reported motor vehicle accident. The program is designed to ensure that both the physical and mental trauma are dealt with as early as possible after the accident.
Filosofi is a certified provider for care after a motor vehicle accident and both Massage Therapy (Shane Clark, RMT) and Laser Therapy (Dr. Wiens, DC) are avialble to
those who have been in an accident.
It is important to get yourself checked out as soon as possible; do not wait until the injuries manifest into chronic problems.
What to do if you are in a car accident…
- Report it to your insurance company – this is essential to having care covered by the motor vehicle accident program.
- Get checked by your MD or at an Emergency Room depending on the severity of the injuries you have sustained and get them to document the injuries.
- Complete all paper work provided by the insurance company as fully as possible – this ensures that the process runs smoothly.
- Bring all documentation to your first appointment – we will file all required paperwork for your treamtent through the HCAI system to ensure timely and accurate reporting. Please be sure to bring your policy and/or claim number, insurance company information, adjuster’s name and contact information and the date of accident.
What to expect at your first appointment…
- A complete Intake or Health History form will need to be completed. You can eithe rdo this when you arrive or prior to your arrival by downloading the form off of our website.
- Your therapist will go over your insurance paper work with you to make sure that it is complete.
- An assessment of your injuries and physical condition will be completed in order to determine what course of treatment will be best for you. A series of questions and testing will be completed so it advisable to wear comfortable clothing to allow maximum ease of movement.
- A treatment plan will be outlined along with what you will need to do at home before your first treatment visit.
- Please note that once a treatment plan is written, you will need to drop by the clinic to approve/sign it before it can be submitted through HCAI.
What you should know…
- Any personal insurance amounts for Massage Therapy or Chiropractic (Laser Therapy is billed under your Chiropractic coverage) will need to be used BEFORE the automobile company will pay for treatment. Any out of pocket amounts can be claimed through your personal insurance company.
- Adherence to the treatment plan outlined by the therapist will speed your recovery. Missed appointments can lead to the insurance company revoking a treatment plan so it is vital for you to make the commitment to the care required.
- You may feel well after the accident but problems and pain can still begin to occur weeks after the initial injury. Even if your accident was several months (or years) ago, you can still receive treatment.
This can be a trying time in your life and our team is prepared to help you through any challenges that may arise. We will utilize any skills and tools that our office has in order to help. If you or anyone you know has been in a car accident, let us know as soon as possible and we will get you on the road to recovery!
To book an appointment please call the Clinic at 613-225-1127. Please note that all Initial appointments for MVA clients must be booked directly with the Clinic.